US Patent #62723351; Other Patents Pending
A full nutritional spectrum of chlorophyllic and xanthophyllic fruits and vegetables can be grown in a very small area feeding a family of 4-6 and generating saleable/barterable surplus. For the 8-plex, an atriuim of 20' X 30' (approximately 7 meters X 10 meters) provides ample area and vertical area to feed more than 8 families of 6. Surplus is expected.
Irrigation beds and container agronomy is managed with state-of-the-art fittings affording minimal water loss.
Sustainable high-yield methods in agriculture are achieved by utliizing the strictest, most modern and refined methods with closed systems minimizing variables, maximizing outputs thereby yielding a nominally zero-waste system.
Produce that was thought to be difficult to grow in a residential setting grows plentifully utilizing modern vertical farming methods.
Vertical Farming, even at a residential scale, answers many of the space issues vis-a-vis yields.
Herb and small lettuce gardens can also be an very appealing interior design element possessing a dual duty as a modern, atmosphere-softening element and as an additional source of food.
Biointensive Agriculture
Biointensive agriculture is an organic agricultural system that focuses on achieving maximum yields from a minimum area of land, while simultaneously increasing biodiversity and sustaining the fertility of the soil. The goal of the method is long term sustainability on a closed system basis. It is particularly effective for backyard gardeners and smallholder farmers in developing countries, and also has been used successfully on small-scale commercial farms.
The biointensive method typically concentrates on the vegan diet. This does not mean that biointensive farming must exclude the raising of animals. Animals, while not considered by biointensive practitioners to be sustainable, can be incorporated into biointensive systems, although they increase the amount of land and labor required considerably.
Aquaponics and egg-laying fowl augment the nutritional availability of proteinacious foods produced in a closed biointensive agrarian context.
In a vegan diet design, one person’s complete balanced diet can be grown on about 4,000 sq ft. Free-range fowl and and space/yield-efficient aquaponics easily fit into this allotted space.
Grasses and legumes can be sprouted within the residences yielding on-going sources of chlorophyllic and vegetable-sourced proteins dietary supplements.
In deference to various cultures' notions of apothecary and home-grown remedies, all manner of herbs and plants can be grown in quantities ensuring constant access to the sources of those remedies.